Community Insurance

Tailor Made For Any Community And Any Building

Basic Protection

With cover for fire, explosion, electrical damage, legal assistance and Public Liability among others

Plus Protection

The same cover as the Basic product plus theft, robbery, broken windows, water damage and Public Liability for water damage, machinery breakdown, etc

Premium Protection

The same cover as Basic and Plus with cover for excess water consumption, frosts and total ruin of the building, among others

Adaptable to all types of risk:

  • Residential Buildings
  • Office Buildings
  • Private Garages
  • Communal Areas

With the most comprehensive package of services for your community:

  • 24 hour community assistance service, every day of the year, for any event covered by the policy
  • Unblocking of community drains service
  • Disinfestation, fumigation and disinfection service for insect or rodent infestations
  • Technical Advisory Service for the preservation of buildings (ITE)

You can also receive significant discounts for private home policies.

And, of course, you'll always have your trusted insurance agent to help you with whatever you need.


Community Insurance

Cover Table

Basic Protection

Plus Protection

Premium Protection

Fire, explosion and lightning

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Malicious acts or vandalism

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Electrical damage

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Risks caused by natural events

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check


fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check


fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check


fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check


fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Sonic booms

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Spillage of extinguishing agent

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Damage to underground pipes

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check


fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Demolition and debris removal expenses

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Fire extinguishing expenses

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Expenses for replacement documents

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Forced eviction

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Community assistance

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Legal defense

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Public Liability and bail bonds

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Employer’s liability

fas fa-check
fas fa-check
fas fa-check

Broken windows



Water damage



Loss of rent



Material damage



Theft with violence, mugging, larceny and damages



Machinery breakdown



Individual accidents



Employee dishonesty



Excess water consumption

fas fa-check


fas fa-check

Total ruin

fas fa-check

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Find Out How Much You Could Be Saving!!

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Beneficial Insurance

Jayne Smith

DGS Inscription Number - C0467X05137998M

Contact Us

Mon - Fri 08:00 - 15:00 (Spanish Time)